Tuesday, March 13, 2012

sunny days

The weather can make you do weird things. Like impulsively shaving the longest beard I've ever had after fifteen weeks on an unseasonably nice March day. Or maybe it was more weird that I grew a beard for that long because of the weather?

I don't think we really give the weather enough credit, we often underestimate the influence it has on our moods and decisions. Some people spend a lot of time worrying about the weather, almost as if they could actually do something about it or change it to suit their needs. We fret about how the rain is going to ruin our weekend plans. We stress about the temperature affecting our electric bills.

On the other hand, some could care less and walk out of the house unprepared for what the forecast may hold. We might wind up soaked from top to bottom in a downpour or maybe freezing cold without the proper attire. The ignorance is bliss rule doesn't usually play out well with weather.

Something about this sounds familiar.

We're all about control. Our attitudes concerning things like the weather reflect this in our nature. We want so badly to know what we can determine, calculate and judge based on the knowledge we have. Even those who choose not to be prepared for what lies ahead are still saying in a sense that nothing can control how I live my life, that they will be just fine without knowing what's to come.

What I'm suggesting is simply this- I don't think we give God enough credit. We sing songs of praise on Sundays, we bless our meals in His name, occasionally throw up a casual "thank God" for something of no real consequence.

I believe the more we pay attention to God, really focus in on who He is and what He's about, the more we begin to truly see what's going on around us. I believe when we're not freaking out about work next week, or when we're not just sleep-walking our way through life, God is eager to step in and reveal His glory and presence to us in a refreshing way each day we are given.

We can't worry our way into a right relationship with God that guarantees safety and stability. We also can't passively ignore the seriousness of what God's done for us and what He wants us to be for His glory. Our eternity hangs in the balance of our attitude towards Him.

God can make you do weird things. The presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us can cause us to make choices that even to ourselves may seem irrational. We can't even begin to fully understand some of the thoughts and desires God places in our hearts and minds. That's okay, at least most of the time I'm okay with it. Thankfully, our Father isn't living in the realm of weekend forecasts. Just enjoy the weather.

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