Thursday, January 12, 2012

presence in 2012

It's very strange to think I began this blog in 2010. I somehow lived more than a whole year before returning to this tonight. This outlet for my thoughts will obviously serve a different purpose now, as it originated as a method of chronicling my time in Ecuador.

A brief summary of current events in my life: living in Richmond with four awesome guys, working full-time as a Montessori preschool teacher, and finding life through community at Hope Church. I know that's not much, but as we say in our house, "don't get caught up with the details".

I'm returning to this blog somewhat because I stink at journaling. I've tried over and over again to no avail. Doesn't matter how cool or functional my current "journal" might be, I fizz out after two or three days of nonsensical scribble. It's weird because I like writing, I would almost say I love writing. So when I sit down to write in a journal it should just naturally flow from pen to paper, right? Nope. One day I would really like to be able to do that because it's sad to see the written word disappearing from our generation. I say this while having just finished reading an entire book via PDF and have just begun another. I attribute this solely to lack of funds for book purchases and my roommate's inability to read books as quickly as I would like.

As 2012 is beginning to hit first gear I have noticed that a lot of people around me and the general popular thing to do is forgo any typical New Year's resolutions. Instead the trend is to pick a word or phrase that is a characterization of sorts for 2012, in other words what you hope to live out in your life for the next year. As I've been thinking about this concept a lot coming back from a trip to Passion 2012 in Atlanta, I've been constantly encountering my word:


For me, it carries layered significance. Presence, this year to desire more of the life-giving presence of my God and Savior, to seek it out more earnestly and wholeheartedly to not only see my life transformed by His power but simply worship Christ with everything for being all I need.

Presence, to be content where I am right now. That I might truly be present, not longing for where I hope to be next year, not where I know some cool people are doing cool things, not where I wish I could escape, but where God has led me to at this very moment to honor His will and wait patiently as He prepares my heart for the next journey.

Presence, to purposefully engage the amazing community I currently find myself in. Building new relationships, wholly embracing the already fruitful ones I share. I hope to discover more of God's identity through some incredible people, conversations, and experiences over the course of this year.

As I sat on the couch in the enormous living room of our house tonight listening to a friend share his journey and receiving some wisdom from a mentor, I realized this is it - this is what I'm searching, seeking, even running after in 2012. Learning and loving and living, all the while giving my Father the glory.

I guess we'll see how long this blogging thing goes. I'm hopeful, cautiously optimistic that it will withstand 2012 and this time next year I'll be blogging that a thing? Blogging strong, strong blogging? Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Jacob!
    I'm excited to read more of your thoughts and I'm also excited to see where 2012 leads each one of us! Kudos to you for finding your voice again!
