Monday, September 27, 2010

isaiah 26:8

"Yes, Lord, walking in the ways of Your truth, we wait for you; Your name and renown are the desires of our hearts."

So, I just finished watching the Passion 2011 Live Link from my computer. They were broadcasting from Georgia Tech's campus in Atlanta. Louie Giglio, Chris Tomlin, and the whole gang were there to worship and share a bit about what's going on in the Passion movement. I was reminded over and over again of the incredible experience I had at Passion 2010 in Atlanta this past January...hard to believe it was only ten months ago! The message was a reminder to be "awake, confident, and available". Awake (1 Corinthians 2:6-9): to the truth that outside of our very small lives and what we see every day on the news or Facebook or whatever...there is a story going on that tells of God's faithfulness and His amazing purpose for our lives. Confident (Isaiah 46:3-5): that those who have believed in Christ are now called sons and daughters, heirs of an eternal kingdom and that the Lord is continually working for our good. Available (Isaiah 64:1-4): to be ready in each moment to follow God's leading to a place, person, or people.

Even though at this moment I'm pretty positive that I'll be here in Quito until next May, right now I feel like I'm facing a lot of questions. I think a lot about questions concerning what I might do next when I get back. I think a lot about questions in my relationships with people from home and new people here. I have so many passions that I want to see fulfilled in my life and I have no idea how to go about doing so. The greatest comfort is to know that in whatever circumstance I'm in or question I struggle with, my God is going before me to prepare a way. I'm realizing that I'm so blessed to be a part of God's story and that nothing I do can change how much He loves me.

My 22nd birthday has now come and gone and I am relishing the wonderful number that is now my age. I feel slightly strange telling most people here how old I am because to them I actually am old whereas back at home nearly all my friends are older than me. Regardless, my birthday was a combination of some of my favorite things: pizza for lunch, playing tennis, watching the Braves play (and lose unfortunately), and dancing. My Ecuadorian friend Carlos took myself and the girls to lunch in Tumbaco, a small town just outside of campus in Cumbayá, at a place called Pizza SA that the girls had been raving about. Then we went back to campus because the girls had class and Carlos and I were going to play tennis. I realized that tennis is probably the best sport to play at high altitude because it doesn't require an excessive amount of running. Later that evening my friend Nelson and I headed to Mulligan's Pub in Mariscal to watch the Braves-Phillies game, a frustrating 1-0 loss. Then we met the girls at our favorite bar before going to the salsa club at ten.

This weekend we had our first two field trips with volcanology class to Lake Cuicocha, which is just outside of Otavalo, and to Papallacta (or somewhere around there). On Saturday we took a bus right up to the volcanic lake and went on a little boat ride while Theo explained how it was made in Spanish which meant I didn't understand/pay much attention. The rest of the day we stopped at random spots on the highway to draw different kinds of faults in the rock formations...I'm sure we all looked ridiculous standing there looking at a rock wall and doodling away. Overall, it wasn't a very exciting trip and the highlight was probably eating oreos for lunch. Sunday was a much different story as we spent the day in search of eight different rocks to collect, label, and bag for our reports. This meant climbing up and down hills where you could literally lose a shoe or break an ankle if you made a misstep. Theo highly enjoys watching his students follow him around like pets and making us do things that we don't necessarily need to do, but enhances his experience that much more. Needless to say, I was very dirty and very tired when I got home yesterday evening.

This week could be the busiest yet. I've started playing ultimate frisbee in Parque Carolina on Tuesdays after class. I believe the soccer team I joined at USFQ starts practicing this week. I also have bible study on Tuesday evenings at seven and I've been told we may be able to start working with the kids at the orphanage this week as well! Hannah, Ashley, and I also have a potential meeting with a man from an organization called Youth World that does sports ministry with kids in Quito. I guess I might have some homework to do too, but let's be honest that's probably the least of my concerns. This weekend I think I am going to stick around to watch the Hokies put a beatdown on undefeated NC State...hopefully I will not regret that decision. Please be praying for divine guidance as I make choices each day here, that I will be intent on serving Christ with my heart, mind, and actions at all times. Much love, nos vemos pronto!

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